Saturday, November 8, 2014

"Autosave: A Cautionary Tale" or "Sci-Fi Trope-O-Matic!"

I spent about four hours working on a "Sci-Fi" expansion to the Trope-O-Matic the other night, and I was feeling pretty good about it. What I didn't realize was that I had more than one window open for the same "story", and by accidentally clicking in the wrong window while somehow simultaneously closing the other window I triggered the autosave function on the older version, overwriting everything I had done.

I took some time to re-write everything, and now I can continue with the post I had originally written before I discovered my mistake:

I made some minor tweaks to the "New and Improved Version" and fixed some of the busted results, then I kept messing with it and added a new category for Sci-Fi inspired characters. I swear these choices do not loop back to the fantasy character results with a tag that adds "space" to everything, although that would have been a lot less work and I kind of wish I had thought of it earlier.

The part about this whole diversion that I enjoy the most is coming up with ridiculous character classes. I find myself wanting to actually write them up. If I do that right now, I will likely never finish The Cult of the Fallen Star, so I am forcing myself to slide that idea on the back burner.  When I do get to it, I will make a free PDF "sourcebook" for the classes and throw it in google drive.
So if you haven't taken the Trope-O-Matic for a test spin, or really want an Apprentice Star Yeti Drone Whisperer or perhaps a New-Human Cluster bomber then hit the link below!

Let's make (a better than before) character!

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